Well, I'm back...for good this time! But in order to be in this space again, I had to open my big mouth to a perfect stranger and was then challenged to do something I know I love...sharing information and resources with anyone who will listen. Can you believe this person had the nerve to challenge me by saying she was going to mention me in her blog and I needed to get some new posts up????? Where are they doing that?
Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control...I didn't meet the deadline...but she kept her word. And now here I am, back to where it all started...
As I reflected on that perfect stranger, who, by the way, is living her Out-Rageously! Good Lyfe, I know that the timing of our meeting was divine. Just a couple of hours before I met Debbie White, I was given some mind blowing news from a phenomenal person about them-self. While the news was more than a mindful, I was the most blown away because the person didn't realize how special they are to me and that the news they shared would evoke the stream of tears that flowed from my eyes.
See there are times in our lives when people will touch our lives and they may only regard you as the nice lady/man who they greet and share a joke/smile/nice conversation. But in the midst of those small moments, the person could be impacting our lives in greater ways. Just like Debbie didn't know that she had a divine assignment, to encourage me to take another stab at this blogging experience.
While I'm not excited about the news I received on that day, I'm forever grateful because that news left me in a place of openness to receive, to answer a call, and To BE!
That said, Me and My Big Mouth will be back each and every time we are inspired. Inspired to share resources, experiences, and whatever else floats through my heart and brain.
Thank you for stopping by and hopefully I will give you a reason to come back and stay awhile!
Keeping it Resourceful,
The ResourceNista
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