Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Be Gentle with Yourself!

Hey Pumpkins (this will make sense next Thursday),

First up...
Blog Announcement
Starting Tuesday, September 22nd, the weekly "DMV Events" posts will occur on Tuesdays.  I realized it is better to post events for the weekend earlier in the week to give people a chance to plan to attend.

On to today's post...

I am not sure that I have been able to articulate in my recent posts that I am having a moment.  By a moment, I mean I have experienced some challenges that have left me a little bruised but stronger.  I am healing, I am stronger and I am more in control of my emotions than I've ever felt in my entire life.

I'm stronger because I was prepared and I was not alone.  I chose not to be angry.  I chose to manage the situations, as they occurred.  I chose not to lose my cool and to step away before my words created additional unnecessary situations.  I chose me!  I chose to do what would honor the God whose Spirit lives in me.  And I chose to forgive....myself.

There have been so many times in my life when circumstances and situations have arisen and I blamed myself because I ...[you fill in the rest].  I was a victim held captive in a prison that I built and governed.  I would not allow myself to forgive myself because I...[you fill in the rest].  Which means I definitely could not forgive anyone else.  Relationships were damaged and then it would really be my fault because...I...I think you get it.

However, at some point, I allowed the voice of God to be louder and clearer than the enslaving words that filled my head.  I could feel His voice saying, I can't help you until you let it go and forgive yourself.  I realize I was treating myself bad and this opened the door for others to mistreat me or manipulate situations in their favor.  When I allowed God's Spirit to remind me who I am, how I was created, why I was created and for whose purpose I was created, I came alive again and my spirit was flooded with peace.  I had long ago accepted Jesus Christ, as my Lord and Savior, but this felt like another level of my born again experience.   A level where I could not take the the unforgiveness I had been holding onto.

And then the test began, I had unnecessary situations at work and I had unbelievable situations with friends.  But this time, I was different.  I quickly forgave myself and forgave them because I did not want to lose what I had gained--it was too sweet.  While I still had to deal with the residue from the situations which caused bruises, I am stronger and I enjoying my new level--peace!

If you are experiencing a test, rest in the fact that you are going to the next level!  Ask God through prayer to help you recall what was spoken to you during your time of preparation.  Then walk in it!  You may get a little bruised but you will be stronger once you reach that next level!

Until Next Time,

Keep it Resourceful!

~The ResourceNista


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability. Congratulations on your new level of living! It's freeing, isn't it?

Certifiably Resourceful said...

Yes it is! Thanks for commenting and stopping by!